K.C. is an Interactive Designer/Developer with over 8 years of experience in the design and ad tech industries. He loves developing well designed prototypes, demos, advertisements, and websites that have exciting and engaging user experiences. Flash, ActionScript 3.0, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript and Photoshop are his best friends.

While at CrashShop, he worked with Microsoft creating Flash prototypes for Zune, Windows Mobile 6.5 and 7, and Courier. These prototypes were developed iteratively for UX research and usability testing. K.C. eventually became CrashShop's team lead on these projects and learned a great deal about UI design and UX design and development. He did similar work for companies such as T-Mobile, Precor, Synapse, and Tactile developing user interfaces and user experiences for elaborate Flash/AIR demos and interactive presentations.

K.C. has worked on several websites, including a few responsive HTML5 sites. He also has experience with Final Cut Pro, Adobe Media Encoder, Adobe After Effects, WordPress, and Facebook App Development.

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